
Sharing some WISE Insight from our fav mom, Glennon Doyle

October 17, 2018

Illustration: Keith Negley

This week, The Wise Family wanted to share some Wise Words from Glennon Doyle, author, activist, philanthropist and founder of Momastery.

It’s easier said than done to let your child face a challenge on their own but it’s our job to guide them and support them whether they succeed or fail. Life happens!


“What if it has never been our job—or our right—to protect our children from every incoming bump and bruise? What if, instead, our obligation is to point them directly toward life’s inevitable trials and tribulations and say, ‘Honey, that challenge was made for you. It might hurt, but it will also nurture wisdom, courage, and character. I can see what you’re going through, and it’s big. But I can also see your strength, and that’s even bigger. This won’t be easy, but we can do hard things.”


Until next week, Be Wise!