
Finding Your Identity

November 27, 2020

Dorri C. Scott, MSW, Resident Family Therapist and Parent Coach in Northern Virginia

Having celebrated a different “thanksgiving” and a year to remember, recognizing who YOU are is probably more important than ever.

One’s identity beyond the outward trappings (clothes, makeup, the car you drive, and where you live etc.) tells only a part of your story. Identity including beliefs, values, and what we deem truly important is what matters most. Too, it alone is lasting.

Uncertain about your identity? Try this:

  • Start with a conversation with you.
  • Ask yourself…Who am I?
  • What gets me out of bed daily?
  • Who are the people I love the most?
  • And, if today was my last day who are the people I choose to share that last meal with.
  • Why?
Search high and humbly to seek the truth – your truth for your true identity.
Identify places, people and things that bring you joy. Prepare for 2021 and allow post COVID to further help you journey toward a better more focused YOU.

Until next time, Be Wise!