
Staying Positive and Finding HOPE

January 15, 2021

Welcome January, Hello HOPE!

Finding hope in 2021

What a year – 2020.

Continuing on the theme of HOPE this month – Between COVID, quiet holiday celebrations, school closings, disruptive race relations at a new peak in the USA, and parents at home seeking new exciting ways to accommodate wiggly kids, not to forget our confused pets…welcome 2021.

The parent of two adults who are “bored” and “tired of being home”, I am also the daughter of a 90-year-old mother who I have not seen or touched since spring.

Yes, I feel your pain and, like most families, missed the traditions of large gatherings, holidays with family and friends, and bountiful celebrations from years past.

An optimist, I am positive about the future and hopeful.

Since the announcement and dispersement of the COVID vaccination (some 2nd to date), I am feeling a bit more energized. Too, I see light at the end of the tunnel.

Recognizing things will not change overnight, I invite you to hang in there a little longer.

  • Trust the science.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Wear a mask.

Daily Practices to Find Hope this year:

Do what you can daily (no pressure to get it all done) and find one thing to be grateful for.

  • Attitude is everything.
  • Ensure positivity with gratitude in all you touch.
  • Savor the light.

We will get through this together. Maintain HOPE. Accept 2021 with an open heart as it is already here.

Remind yourself, life is already better.

Let the countdown begin.

Happy New Year!

Dorri C. Scott, MSW, Exec. MBA, Director of Education