
Summer Story-Telling, No Fancy Equipment Required

August 2, 2013

shutterstock_82057315The tradition of story telling is a time-honored way of sharing experiences.  Story telling through journaling is a terrific way for children to document their summer activities and develop their  ideas and opinions in the process.

As the summer draws to a close, now is the perfect opportunity to write about and reflect on memories and experiences.  No fancy equipment internet controller and no headphones necessary for this task!  After your child finishes a writing prompt, encourage them to present a “reading” to the family – costumes and props are welcome!  You will not only be making writing fun but you will be growing WISE family memories at the same time! 

 The journal prompts below are a great way to get started.

1. What was your favorite summer day? Write about what happened.

2. What is your favorite summer tradition? How did you experience that tradition this year?

3. How will you celebrate the end of summer?

4. What ten words express how you feel about this summer? Why did you pick each word?

5. With whom did you spend most of your time this summer? What was your favorite memory with that person?


6. Did you make any new friends this summer? Who are they and what did you do with them this summer?

7. What would you do if you had one more month of summer?

8. What did you do for the first week of summer?

9. How was your summer different than you expected at the beginning?

10. How was your summer similar to what you expected at the beginning?

11. Did you go on a vacation? If so, where did you go and what did you do?

12. How do you feel about school starting? What are you looking forward to? What are you not looking forward to?

13. Did you feel bored this summer? What did you do to cure your boredom?

14. What is your favorite month of summer? Why?

15. Make a plan for the last week of summer. Give yourself an activity for each day and then write about it at the end of each day.