The New IQ?: Understanding and Teaching Executive Function Skills in and Out of the Classroom

Teaching young minds to think—clearly and efficiently—is a universal goal of parents and teachers alike.

Thinking skills such as planning, goal setting, organizing, prioritizing, self-monitoring, accessing working memory, inhibitory (impulse) control and sustaining focused attention are critical to success at every age.

This workshop focuses on the importance of  “executive function” skills; the thinking processes that are typically not systemically taught at home or in schools and are not the focus of mainstream school curriculums. Rather, schools emphasize the content or the “what” of learning. Executive function skills are the “how” of learning. When a student has poor or underdeveloped executive function skills, they can appear disorganized, unprepared and unmotivated. By providing explicit instruction in executive function processes, parents and teachers can significantly elevate the thinking abilities in their children and students.

Learning Objectives

  1. Participants will learn what constitutes an executive function skill and where these thinking processes happen in the brain.
  2. Participants will be exposed to the Top 7 Skills for School and Life Success and will be provided with practical tools for identifying and assessing executive function abilities in their children and students.

Participants will be introduced to a variety of exercises and techniques to directly teach the Top 7 Skills to children at every developmental level, pre-school through college.

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