How do you know if your kid is normal? That’s a million-dollar question. What is normal? I think that really is the main issue is what IS normal? I think that when we talk about intelligence or what is smart, I mean we can weigh all these things against what is typical?
So what’s typical for your child’s age? What’s typical for your child’s temperament? I think that is a more important thing to look at than normal. But, I also think that if you’re worried about something, first of all, as a parent, you have some gut feelings about your kids. But when you’re worried about something, if it’s getting in the way of your child’s functioning, if something like being worried about missing the bus is getting in the way of your child actually getting to school or if you notice that your child is sort of sad and their sadness is getting in the way of them making new friends. Then really, that’s sort of outside of what’s typical.
When we’re looking at and talking about what’s normal, we’re really talking about what’s typical. It’s not really typical for a child to feel depressed or anxious, so if those are things that you see, then it’s a really good idea to get some support from your school, from your family members, and from a professional so that you can figure out what’s going on and problem solve ways to make it better.
Until next week, Be Wise!
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Our kids are growing up but we still keep your number on our phone and we know we can reach out to your team if we need it. We tell everyone who asks about the WISE people at The Wise Family.
Thank you for doing what you do for so many people.”—from the parent of two former clients (siblings)
— Parent of two former clients (siblings)“This is my 1st visit at WISE with my son. So far I am very thankful and impressed by the space. I feel light and comfortable here while my son works on his growth. I appreciate that you curated the process well.” ~ WISE Family parent
— Thankful and impressed by the space“I went home and practiced what Dr. Amy taught me…and it worked!”
— 8-year-old coaching client