If I had a dime for every time I spoke with a concerned parent of an adolescent about social media, I wouldn’t have time to be a therapist because I’d have too many dimes to count!
While I wish I could say that I have finally cracked the social media code and discovered the perfect equation for social media usage for each age, genetic sequence, and personality type, what I can do is provide some insight that I’ve learned from my work with adolescents to highlight (both positive and negative) real-life experiences that today’s teens are having with social media.
Below are common themes that I’ve observed:
1) When provided the space to speak openly about the impacts of social media, adolescents are often able to insightfully identify the various impacts that social media has on them.
2) Adolescents who view social media as impacting them positively tend to use social media in the following ways:
3) Adolescents who view social media as impacting them negatively tend to use social media in the following ways:
While these insights are purely observational, some common themes have become apparent. Adolescents who experience social media positively tend to have:
1) The ability to establish boundaries around the content and individuals that they engage with.
2) A secure base of real-life connections to depend on and help them navigate the online world.
Effectively, the best that we can do is facilitate and maintain open communication with our children regarding their use of social media, help our children learn how to establish healthy limits and boundaries around their use of social media, and exist as secure bases for them when they need our support.
I challenge you to initiate the conversation with your children without any agenda in mind, just to learn and understand.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about social media lately, and I wanted to hear about your experiences with it. How do you feel like it has impacted you?”
You may be surprised by what they say.
Until next time, Be Wise!
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— Mom of 12-year-old child with special needs“Dr. Amy talks about moving children from being externally-driven to internally-driven…and she helps you get there!”
— Parent of 15-year-old daughter“Oh my gosh, my daughter just thinks Grace is amazing and I am so glad that she has someone to talk to that isn’t me! She is so happy after her sessions! Thank you.”
— Mom of 15 year old client“This is my 1st visit at WISE with my son. So far I am very thankful and impressed by the space. I feel light and comfortable here while my son works on his growth. I appreciate that you curated the process well.” ~ WISE Family parent
— Thankful and impressed by the space