
We are honored and humbled to receive the Champions of Children Award!

June 14, 2017

We are honored and humbled to learn that the City of Alexandria, Virginia and their Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission has awarded Amy Fortney Parks, our practice owner, along with fellow champions Susan Britton, Cheryl Robinson, Lyndsey Swanson, Lynn Thomas, and Olga Wright, with their first ever Champions of Children Award!

On behalf of all of the children and families that have been, and will be, a part of The Wise Family, and all of the families that we support around the world, THANK YOU!
The Children, Youth and Families Collaborative Commission honors individuals who have been instrumental in implementing the strategies of the Children and Youth Master Plan (CYMP). The Champions of Children Awards celebrate the unsung heroes in our community whose tireless efforts advance the CYMP goals.

The Wise Family team constantly strives to improve the well-being of children and families through fostering partnerships by keeping health and safety, academic success and career readiness, social connection, emotional security and cultural competence in our core values and top-of-mind during therapy sessions.

At the beginning of 2017, Amy never conceived of this honor in her wildest dreams! We released this to the press, and you are a part of the family, so we wanted to share the good news with you first! It is truly a joy for Amy, and a privilege, to receive recognition for her efforts.

Until next week, Be Wise!