Intense and painful feelings are normal for a person grieving a loved one. As someone trying to support a grieving family member, it is normal to question if you are saying the right thing but don’t let that stop you from reaching out. Our Resident In Counseling, Karin Purugganan, put together a helpful resource list to offer guidance and support.
We hope you find this list to be helpful to you and your family if suffering a loss. (Click the below image to access the .PDF)
Until next week, Be Wise!
“Supporting the mental health of the kids and teens in our community is one of the most challenging and also one of the most important jobs anyone could have. And I see your team doing it with both skill and enthusiasm.Our family could not be more fortunate to have found your practice 3 years ago.
Our kids are growing up but we still keep your number on our phone and we know we can reach out to your team if we need it. We tell everyone who asks about the WISE people at The Wise Family.
Thank you for doing what you do for so many people.”—from the parent of two former clients (siblings)
— Parent of two former clients (siblings)“Thank you so much for all you do and care for me. And all the work you do for my family. I {heart} you.”
— 10-year-old coaching client“Our clinician has been a tremendous help with family issues and getting our children organized for success in life. Highly recommend her.”
— Mom of three young adults ages 20 – 24“My friend raves about what Cleo has done for her son!” ~ Parent of an inquiring new client
— Parent of an inquiring new client