
Tips on how to set up parental controls on your kid’s shiny new iPhone

January 10, 2018

Welcome to 2018!

We are rededicating ourselves at The Wise Family sharing insights, strategies and expectations about some tough topics that we, as both parents and clinicians, find ourselves talking about an awful lot with kids. This week’s article, written by our friends at Common Sense Media, is a guide to setting up some parental controls on that new iPhone or smart device that your kids got for holiday gifts. (Read the full article HERE.)

When I talk to parents about electronics individually and in workshops around the country, the #1 thing I hear parents say is, “I can’t figure that out.” Basically, that is a cop-out – a parenting cop-out. Electronics are here to stay – and they have some great value. And access to electronics can also be incredibly addictive, and dangerous (we’re going to be talking about that too this year.) As a parent, it is your responsibility to be fully aware of what your kids and teens are doing on electronics. And if you aren’t go to your kid’s school – or the “Make Me a Genius” bar at the Apple store, and find out.

We pay closer attention to the Halloween candy kids get trick-or-treating better than we do to what kid’s are doing with their electronics.

Here are some tips to get started on understanding more about electronics, and there is plenty more on the big world of the Internet where that came from. If you don’t know something, do what the kids do – Google it! Or call us at The Wise Family – we are happy to help!

Be Wise!