
Make Every day LOVE Day!

February 20, 2014

February is LOVE month. I am often fond of singing, “Every kiss begins with Kay” to my husband in the mornings leading up to V-day! But feeling love and showing it can often be disconnected – especially in our language. Here are 15 super quick words of love and encouragement to try with your family today – and every day!

– Thank you for your help!

– You should be so proud of yourself!shutterstock_174824372

– You really worked hard to get this room clean!

– I love watching you play baseball! You really put a lot of energy into it!

– I noticed you were really patient with your little brother.

– You really seem to enjoy science.

– Your hard work paid off!

– That’s a tough one, but I know you’ll figure it out.

– I trust your judgment.

– I love being with you.

– You really put a smile on my face with your kind words

– You really worked it out!

– You are a special friend.

– You make it look easy!

– That’s a great observation.

Give some of these a try then look for the spark that appears in your child’s eyes…it will be there! Then smile knowing you are growing a WISE (and loving) family!