
Together, we can make a change in the world of a child.

July 13, 2016

The Wise Family has many, many friends in our neighborhood, around the country and throughout the world.  We are so lucky to connect with thousands of children, teens, and families, and we stand in support of those families when they are in need. Over the past 10 months, we have had many traumas befall our family friends, including broken limbs, surgery, car accidents, the deaths of grandparents, siblings, and parents and childhood cancer.

Another friend of The Wise Family, Tattoo Tom, would like to say a few things about trauma – and tragedy – and I promised him that I would share his words with you. Don’t be afraid to click on this video and listen to his message – we cannot change the whole world, but we can make a change in the world of a child.  Just listen –

Be Wise!